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Parish of Maria Ss. Assunta

The website of the Parish of Maria Santissima Assunta in Biccari

Make others happy

don Leonardo Catalano

Do you have a question?

The answer may be here

At what time are Masses celebrated?

Weekdays: 6:30 pm
Public holidays: 9:00 am; 11:00 am; 7:00 pm

How can I attend the Eucharistic celebration?

From Tuesday 2 March 2021 the Eucharistic celebrations open to the people will continue, adapting to the new Anti-Covid provisions. You will enter with the obligation of the mask, and the maximum number of capacity will be 125 people.

Thanks for collaboration

Does the Church remain open to the public?

The mother church is open for personal visits. In the morning from 7.30 am to 12.00 pm; in the afternoon from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm, with the obligation to wear a mask

Who we are

Our Parish

In 1850 work began on the construction of the current mother church, by Anselmo Gasparri and Federico de Nuntio thanks to the finances and work of the priests and the Biccarese people. The church was completed in 1875 and dedicated "To Christ the Savior and Maria Assunta". The above results from the two plaques placed at the main entrance of the church. In continuing we will talk a little about the history of the building of the mother church ...

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